


Avid Sibelius v7.1.3.77 Multilenguaje (Español) (WIN/MAC), La Forma más Rápida, Sencilla e Inteligente de Escribir Música

Datos Técnicos
Avid Sibelius v7.1.3.77 Multilenguaje
Spanish Incl. | Medicina Incl. | WIN/MAC | 522 MB | NFO
Partituras perfectas hasta el doble de rápido, y mucho más…
Sibelius 7 es un gigantesco paso hacia adelante en el mundo del software de notación musical – con sorprendentes novedades y mejoras para educadores, estudiantes, compositores, arreglistas, copistas y músicos de todos los tipos.

Se acabó el arreglar partituras
Sólo en Sibelius: Magnetic Layout se encarga por ti de casi cada detalle de la maquetación de las partituras – tan fácilmente que apenas la notarás. A medida que escribas, asignará a cada elemento la cantidad exacta de espacio y evitará colisiones – para conseguir resultados perfectos. Esta función reducirá el tiempo de escritura a la mitad.
Seguimiento de cambios y comparación de versiones
Sólo en Sibelius: ¿Alguna vez has escrito algo mejor en el primer intento? La función Versions conserva un registro de las revisiones de las partituras, para ayudarte a repasar versiones anteriores y ver qué cambios hicieron desde entonces. La colaboración se convierte en un placer, e incluso puedes añadir notas adhesivas con comentarios para ti, u otros.
Dirige tus partituras
¡Es el momento de coger la batuta! Live Tempo te permite dirigir la reproducción de tu partitura para conseguir una interpretación rica y musical. Sólo tienes que pulsar una tecla de tu ordenador, teclado MIDI o pedal, y Sibelius seguirá tu ritmo.
Nuevos sonidos fantásticos, al instante
La reproducción de alta calidad ahora no necesita configurarse – pulsa la barra espaciadora y Sibelius lo reproducirá usando sorprendentes sonidos muestreados. Los sonidos de alta calidad están mejor integrados que nunca gracias a la última tecnología del equipo Digidesign AIR.
Sincronizado con secuenciadores y DAWs
Sólo en Sibelius: Añade una actuación en directo a una grabación de audio, o sincroniza una grabación con la reproducción de tu partitura. Puedes hacer todo esto y mucho más gracias al soporte de ReWire, que te permite sincronizar la reproducción de Sibelius con productos como Pro Tools, Cubase, Logic, GarageBand y más.
Ventanas Keyboard & Fretboard
Si prefieres utilizar un teclado o guitarra para la notación, estas nuevas ventanas son ideales. Sólo tienes que pulsar las teclas o trastes para introducir notas y acordes – ¡o ‘tocar’ las teclas QWERTY de tu ordenador como si fuesen un piano! También son fantásticas para la enseñanza.
Sencillos símbolos de acordes y tablas para guitarra
Ahora podrás crear sencillos símbolos de acordes y tablas para guitarra más rápido que nunca desde el teclado de tu ordenador, teclado MIDI o guitarra MIDI. También tienen muchas mejoras y notaciones extra, como tablas de escalas para guitarra.
Partituras profesionales inmejorables
Sibelius te permite producir partituras tan sorprendentes, que prácticamente son obras de arte. Las ligaduras son ahora las más elegantes y controlables de cualquier programa. Se pueden añadir y colocar instantáneamente silencios con barras y plicas cortas, igual que líneas de arpegio. Sibelius 6 incluso incluirá automáticamente alteraciones de precaución – lo que te ayudará a producir partituras listas para utilizar en todo momento.
Requerimientos del Sistema
  • Windows: Windows Vista SP2 with the Platform Update Pack or later, Windows 7 SP1 or later, 1 GB+ RAM, 750 MB hard disk space, DVD-ROM drive
  • Mac: Mac OS X 10.6.7 or later, Mac OS X 10.7, 1 GB+ RAM, 750 MB hard disk space, DVD-ROM drive
Cambios Recientes
696: Changes and improvements in Sibelius 7.1.3
Platform support
  • Sibelius 7.1.3 is supported on Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.
  • Sibelius now has initial support the Retina Display found on the latest models of the Apple MacBook Pro. The score, all text in dialogs etc. are all drawn at the appropriate resolution for the Retina Display. All graphics on the ribbon, in Backstage (i.e. the File tab), and in the Quick Start window are also now also drawn at double the resolution for optimal appearance on the Retina Display. Only the Keypad, Mixer, Fretboard, Keyboard and Ideas windows do not currently support the Retina Display (though the small text on the Mixer is much clearer on the Retina Display).
  • Sibelius is now signed with an Apple Developer Certificate, which satisfies the requirement of the Gatekeeper system, under Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, that all applications must be signed with an Apple-approved certificate.
  • Sibelius’s installer is now also signed with an Apple Developer Certificate.
Look and feel
  • Both the System ID and Activation ID of your copy of Sibelius are now displayed directly on the File > Help Backstage page, so you do not need to launch Avid License Control to find these important pieces of information.
Stability improvements
  • Sibelius no longer crashes if you quit the application when Use virtual instruments and effects is switched off in Audio Engine Options, accessed via Playback Devices.
  • Sibelius no longer crashes when exporting a MusicXML file when it encounters an explicit normal barline in the score.
  • Sibelius no longer crashes if you attempt to show the Inspector when no document is open.
  • Sibelius no longer crashes if you attempt to open another score when Sibelius is running in full screen mode and an empty document window is shown (Mac only).
  • Sibelius no longer crashes if you create any non-note object (e.g. a clef change, special barline etc.) at the end of the bar while using Note Input > Note Input > Re-input Pitches and then attempt to continue inputting notes.
  • Sibelius no longer crashes when you attempt to open a score from the blank document that appears when the Quick Start window is not shown at start-up (Windows only).
  • Sibelius no longer crashes after extended periods of use in which a lot of text objects (e.g. lyrics or chord symbols) are edited (Windows only).
  • Sibelius no longer crashes if you delete all the staves from the score when the note input caret is visible.
  • Sibelius no longer crashes or hangs when using the Get Score feature in File > Teaching > Classroom Control.
  • Clicking very close to the flashing cursor when the text editor is open in order to close the text editor no longer causes a crash.
  • Various other stability improvements.
Quick Start
  • Keyboard navigation in the Quick Start window has been improved, especially on the Recent and New Score pages. You can now type Ctrl+F (Windows) or Command-F (Mac) to move the focus into the search box, then hit Tab to move the focus into the thumbnails pane, move around the pane with Tab and Shift-Tab, select the score with Space (to show the more information pane at the bottom of the thumbnails pane), and open the score with Return.
  • The Quick Start window is now correctly closed if it is shown when you open a score via the operating system (e.g. by double-clicking an icon in Windows Explorer or the Finder), just as it is hidden after you open a score via the Quick Start itself.
  • The colors used for mouse-over and highlight states for the thumbnails on the New Score and Recent pages in the Quick Start have been improved.
  • Some cosmetic problems with the way the search widget on the New Score and Recent pages is drawn have been fixed (Mac only).
  • Sibelius now maintains a maximum of 500 recent scores and other documents (except for those pinned in File > Recent, which are maintained in addition to the total of 500 scores), which prevents the performance of the application degrading during start-up and when opening the File > Recent Backstage page.
  • When Sibelius starts up and the Quick Start is not shown, the blank document that is created now respects the user’s choice of default paper size (as set on the Files page of Preferences).
  • When printing to a PDF printer driver (e.g. Adobe Acrobat), Sibelius now produces PDF files with correctly embedded fonts, rather than rendering all glyphs as paths in the resulting PDF (Windows only).
  • A problem whereby the previously chosen printer was not always correctly restored when returning to the File > Print page during a Sibelius session has been fixed.
  • Sibelius no longer crashes when attempting to print to certain HP printers (Windows only).
  • Playback of attached video and audio files (via Play > Video > Add Video) is now synchronized much more accurately (Mac only). For optimal results, use uncompressed audio (e.g. AIFF or WAV rather than MP3) or video, since this allows the time position in the attached file to be returned and set with much greater accuracy.
  • Editing the mapping of an unpitched percussion staff type now correctly invalidates the playback routing, so that the percussion staff plays back correctly once you finish editing the staff type and return to the score.
  • Setting a manual repeat sequence in Play > Interpretation > Repeats no longer causes the bar numbering in the score to go wrong if Count repeats on the Bar Numbers page of Engraving Rules is switched off.
  • It is once again possible to type into the Wordbuilder text editor in the EastWest Play virtual instrument (64-bit, Mac only).
Exporting audio
  • Audio files exported from Sibelius no longer insert one beat’s worth of silence at the start of the file before the first note is played.
Exporting MusicXML files
  • A problem whereby notes could have incorrect default-x values if the bar to which they belong contain a change of time or key signature has been fixed.
  • The export of chord symbols has been overhauled, and a wider range of the chord types understood by Sibelius are now exported in MusicXML. (Note that if you import such extended chord types into Finale, the resulting chord symbols in Finale may be considerably more verbose than the chord symbols in Sibelius, due to the way Finale represents these extended chord types.)
  • Hidden bar rests are now exported in MusicXML files.
Exporting PDF files
  • A problem whereby a slur that crosses a page break may incorrectly change direction on the second page when printing or exporting a PDF has been fixed.
  • When choosing All parts only (separate files) in File > Export > PDF, the full score is no longer incorrectly also exported.
  • Exporting a PDF file from a score that uses a raster font will no longer crash (Windows only).
Keyboard shortcuts
  • A problem whereby a keyboard shortcut assigned to the Chord symbols text style would stop working after the right-click context menu is invoked has been fixed.
  • Several duplicate key tips in the French- and German-language versions of Sibelius have been resolved.
Music fonts
  • A problem whereby the upbow articulation in the Inkpen2 font would appear a long distance to the left of the note on which it is supposed to appear has been fixed (Windows only).
  • Hyphens are now once more correctly centered between syllables, rather than being offset very slightly to the right.
House styles
  • Importing a house style no longer causes the options on the View tab (in the Invisibles, Rulers and Note Colors groups) to change unexpectedly.
  • When editing a score in Panorama that uses Hide Empty Staves in the normal page view, the score no longer moves vertically unexpectedly.
  • The controls for Scale slur height, Minimum shoulder and Maximum shoulder on the Slurs page of Appearance > House Style > Engraving Rules now correctly accept values between 0% and 200%, rather than incorrectly being limited to a maximum of 100%.
  • New \$NumPages\ wildcard, which shows an estimate (correct more often than not!) of the total number of pages in the score, useful for creating text such as “Page x of y”. Because pagination of Sibelius scores is dynamic, the total number of pages in the score may appear to change from time to time as you work on your score. Don’t be alarmed: when you print your score, or export a PDF, the total page count will always be correct.
  • Note Input > Transformations > Halve Note Values and Double Note Values now work correctly when run from a dynamic part.
  • Home > Bars > Split and Join now work correctly when run from a dynamic part.
ManuScript language
  • New note.IsAccidentalVisible read-only variable for ManuScript, allowing a plug-in to determine whether or not an accidental explicitly appears next to a given note in the score.
  • New methods and variables for BarObject objects that allow you to specify whether a given object is set to play back on a particular pass through the score, when the score has a repeat structure.
  • New variables for the Score object that provide access to the order in which bars are played back in scores with repeats.
  • A problem whereby manipulating individual notes in a chord could cause the index of the note to get out of step, and appear to return properties belonging to a different note of the chord, has been fixed.
  • New methods for hiding and showing empty staves.
  • The Score.OptimizeStaffSpacing() method now works correctly in the full score and dynamic parts alike, and can also be called with no parameters to apply to the whole score.
  • It is now possible to suppress the default text that Sibelius passes to screen reading software for visually impaired users, in order to provide alternative text (Windows only).
  • New Sibelius.LaunchApplication() method that makes it possible to launch an external application (and pass in arguments) from ManuScript.
Installing Sibelius
  • On Windows, Sibelius’s installer uses a third party component to check whether or not Sibelius is running at the same time that you are trying to run the installer or updater. On some computers this check causes an unexpected error message concerning the use of an unsigned driver (installed by another application running on your system). Normally you can simply click Continue Anyway and there will be no problem, but if for some reason you cannot continue installation because of this error, use the command line switch /SKIPFILESINUSECHECK=yes to disable the check for running copies of Sibelius.
Activating Sibelius
  • If Sibelius finds that the location in which it needs to store information relating to the program’s activation is not writeable (which commonly occurs after using the Migration Assistant to copy programs and settings from one Mac to another, for example), Sibelius attempts to fix the permissions on the required location automatically, and if it fails will display an informative message (rather than Unspecified Error 1 as in Sibelius 7.1.2).
Auto Breaks
  • In Layout > Breaks > Auto Breaks, the value of System must be n% full under Use auto system breaks is now set and restored correctly.

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